St. Augustine Genealogical Society
Death Records
St. Johns County Deaths 2005-2011
This information is provided by the St. Augustine Genealogical Society for genealogical research purposes only.
St. Johns County Deaths for 2005-2011 were compiled by SAGS member C. Mack Wills and updated 4 Nov 2011.
Duplicates and questions may be found. Some cemetery names may have changed! Maiden names and nicknames are in ( ).
Name of Spouse @Parents: @ indicates parent of an individual. The spouse does not have this prefix. Key: w/o is wife of; s/o is son of; d/o is daughter of; inf/o is infant of; ch/o is child of.
EDMISTON, William (Bill)
Birth Date: 1927
Age at Death: Not Available
Death Date: 12 Feb 2008
Burial Place: Not Avaiilable
Name of Spouse @Parents: Not Avaiilable
Notes: h/o Margaret Ann Young; Craig FH
Source of Record: St. Johns County Deaths 2005-2011